European regulation of NBK Diaspo by the NBB

October 17, 2023

Paris, October 17, 2023

🚨 [NBK Diaspo sees its status as digital agent made official] 🚨

The ‘Diaspo’ application, is an upcoming major digital Tontine management product for Africa. NBK Diaspo has now officialised its status of digital agent of  MoneyTrans through the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), Belgian regulatory body, has agreed the new status.

This step  📈 is a big step for Diaspo’ and Moneytrans and will help materialise a new digital tontine product as a real “product-answer” for this market gap.

🙏 Thanks to our NBK team and Moneytrans teams for the high-level support.

Press contact


Santhira NKANGA –  –  +33 6 13 88 32 09

Aubin NKANGA –  –  +33 6 13 88 32 09